2021 KMCC(光華管理個案收錄庫)填問卷活動(限港澳教職員生)~

2021 KMCC Questionnaire Activity~
More Safe and Efficient Case Teaching Method in Post Pandemic Era

新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)持續延燒,讓世界各地的教育機構以及無數的教育者和學生,陷入停班停學的危機。究竟師生該如何在後疫情時代運用科技,更有效率又安全的教學與學習呢?歡迎參加2021 KMCC填問卷活動,一起分享利用個案教學和學習的經驗吧!!

【活動時間/Date of Contest】


March 4th - April 1th, 2021

【活動對象/Target Attendees】


This activity is restricted to the faculty and students in Hong Kong or Macau who have the right to use the KMCC. (or applicant for 2021 trial)

【活動辦法 / How to participate?】


1. Complete all questions with using KMCC and submit your contact information

2. Each participant can only answer three times.

3. Participants with completing all questions and contact information will be qualified for the lottery.
