
2023年08月24日 (四)




政大公企中心 國際會議廳(A2)

活動簡介 / About


報名方式:免費線上報名 (限300名,額滿即止)
學  分:藥事人員繼續教育6.2學分、藥學師資繼續教育6.2學分

主辦單位 ➤ 臺大藥學專業學院、臺大醫院藥劑部、臺大醫學圖書館、Merative US L.P、Micromedex International
協辦單位 ➤ 碩睿資訊有限公司

活動時程 / Agenda

時間 / Time 議程 / Agenda 講師 / Speaker
08.30 - 09.00 Registration
09.00 - 09.20 Welcome Tina Moen

General Manager, Merative

Shu-Wen Lin

Director of Pharmacy Department, National Taiwan University Cancer Center

Feng-I Lin

Director, National Taiwan University Medical Library

09.20 - 10.20 Introduction to Merative and Micromedex 1973 to 2023


Sandeep Makhijani

Micromedex International Leader, Merative

Kate Elbro

International Marketing Leader, Merative

10.20 - 11.10 Clinical Cases: General Population


Fabien Wecker

Clinical Success Manager (CSM) EMEA/APAC, Merative

11.10 - 12.00 臺灣六年制藥學教育發展

The Six-year Pharmacy Education System in Taiwan


Shu-Wen Lin

Director of Pharmacy Department, National Taiwan University Cancer Center

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch
13.00 - 13.50 後疫情時代的藥學實務與專業教育架構

Post Pandemic, the Pharmacy Practice and Professional Education Systems


Cheng-Chih Wu

Deputy director, Division of clinical pharmacy service, Department of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung ChangGung Memorial Hospital

13.50 - 14.40 Clinical Cases: Special Populations


Fabien Wecker

Clinical Success Manager (CSM) EMEA/APAC, Merative

14.40 - 15.10 Break
15.10 - 16.00 Clinical Cases: Technical Applications


Fabien Wecker

Clinical Success Manager (CSM) EMEA/APAC, Merative

16.00 - 16.30 Discussion

2023 Micromedex使用者大會

Embracing Merative: Enhancing Healthcare and Revolutionizing Pharmacists' Workflow