Ms. Sylvia Yu Chen


Patent Counsel,
Head of Patent Operations, Google
As Google Patent Counsel, Sylvia works with firms and vendors worldwide to improve Google's patent portfolio. As part of a team, she distributes an annual scorecard to Google US Patent Firms that uses data to help firms understand their effectiveness. Prior to joining Google in 2014, Sylvia was a patent attorney at Motorola and championed the creation of Motorola's offshore patent support team near Delhi, India. Before going in-house, Sylvia worked as an associate attorney at Fulbright & Jaworski LLP (now Norton Rose Fulbright) in Washington DC. She inadvertently entered the intellectual property field after graduating from the University of Illinois at Urbana with a B.S. degree in electrical engineering and accepting a job at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
作為Google專利顧問,Sylvia與全球的公司和供應商合作,改善Google的專利組合。作為團隊的一員,她向Google美國專利公司分發年度記分卡,使用數據幫助公司瞭解其效率。在2014年加入Google之前,Sylvia是Motorola的專利律師,並倡導在印度德里附近創建Motorola海外的專利支援團隊。在進入公司之前,Sylvia曾在華盛頓特區的Fulbright & Jaworski國際律師事務所(現為Norton Rose Fulbright)擔任助理律師。從伊利諾伊大學香檳分校獲得電氣工程學士學位畢業後,她意外進入了智財產權領域,在美國專利商標局工作。