Dr. Holger Ernst為德國奧托貝森商學院的教授兼技術與創新管理所所長。他曾在美國與德國學習企業管理,並在德國基爾大學獲得工商管理學位(1992年)、博士學位(1996年)和特許任教資格(Habilitation,2001年)。Dr. Holger Ernst的研究興趣集中在策略、創新、技術商業化、新產品開發和智慧財產權等領域。
Dr. Holger Ernst目前為美國西北⼤學凱洛格管理學院技術與創新研究中⼼(Center for Research in Technology and Innovation)的固定客座教授與成員、澳洲墨爾本⼤學墨爾本商學院商業與經濟學院的名譽教授和首席研究員。
Dr. Holger Ernst為PatentSight公司的聯合創始⼈,PatentSight公司專⾨開發和銷售根據專利數據之商業情報領域軟體產品和諮詢服務。Dr. Holger Ernst開發與應用⼀種綜合審計⼯具—Innovation Success Panel (IsP®),可將公司的創新管理與多個⾏業的創新和市場領導者進⾏⽐較。
Dr. Holger Ernst is full professor of business administration, esp. technology and innovation management at the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany. He ever studied business administration in USA and Germany and received a degree in business administration (1992), his Ph.D. (1996) and the Habilitation (2001) from the University of Kiel, Germany. Dr. Ernst’s research interests lie in the fields of strategy, innovation, commercialization of technologies, new product development and intellectual property.
Prof. Ernst is a regular visiting professor and a member of the Center for Research in Technology and Innovation (CRTI) at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. He was appointed honorary professor and principal fellow within the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Melbourne Business School, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Prof. Ernst is co-founder of the firm PatentSight, located in Bonn, Germany, that specializes in the development and selling of software products and consulting services in the field of business intelligence based on patent data. Prof. Ernst has developed and runs the Innovation Success Panel (IsP®), a comprehensive audit tool that benchmarks a firm’s innovation management against innovation and market leaders across multiple industries.