Akemi Hatano

日本思佰益證券公司 / 首席量化分析師
SBI Securities / Chief Quants Analyst

波多野紅美女士畢業於倫敦帝國理工學院,並獲得了東京工業大學的碩士學位,於2010年加入明晟公司(MSCI,舊名為摩根史坦利),2019年6月由三菱日聯摩根士丹利證券加入日本思佰益證券公司(SBI Securities)。2019 年,《日經Veritas》將她評比為量化分析師的第6名。


Mrs. Akemi Hatano is graduated from the Imperial College London, and obtains a master's degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Mrs. Akemi Hatano joined MSCI in 2010 and transferred from Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities to SBI Securities in June 2019. In 2019, Nikkei Veritas ranked Mrs. Akemi Hatano 6th for Quants Analysts.

Mrs. Akemi Hatano has practical experience in the fields of sales trading and quantitative research and mainly engaged in ESG investment and quantitative analysis. She is specialized in the interpretation, practical application and application of multi-factor fundamental models. She disseminates quantitative analysis of factor effects in stock investment and non-financial information in investment information reports. She also participates in the Health Management Review Standards Committee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.