
2022 L&B 3.0有獎徵答活動

2022 L&B 3.0 Online quiz
for the faculty and students in Hong Kong and Macau

歡迎透過L&B 3.0找回屬於自己邁步向前的新年新志向,虎哩迎向福虎生風的新氣象!

活動說明 / About

活動時間 / Date of Contest

April 1st - May 5th, 2022

活動對象 / Target Attendees

This activity is restricted to the faculty and students in Hong Kong and Macau.

活動辦法 / How to participate


1. Complete all questions with using KMCC and submit your contact information.
2. Each participant can answer unlimited times.
3. Participants with completing all questions and contact information will be qualified for the lottery.

活動注意事項 / Attention

  1. 請務必正確填寫個人資料,資料缺漏者將取消參賽資格。
  2. 每位參加者不限作答次數,送出作答結果後即無法修改答案。
  3. 得獎名單公佈後將一律以E-mail通知得獎者,得獎者需於二週內E-mail回覆領獎收據,若無回應則視同放棄得獎資格。
  4. 參加活動者視同認可並接受本活動各項規定。
  5. 主辦單位保有本活動得獎資格審核最終權力,並保留以其他等值獎品替代本活動原公佈獎品之權利,若有未盡事宜,悉依主辦單位相關規定或解釋辦理,並得隨時補充公告之。

  6. Please make sure to submit your correct contact information.
  7. Each participant can answer unlimited times; the answers can’t be modified after submission.
  8. After the announcement of the winners list, all winners will be notified by E-mail. The winners should be replied to the e-mail with the award receipts within two weeks. If they do not respond, they will disqualify their eligibility.
  9. Participants are deemed to have accepted all the terms of this event.
  10. The organizer reserves the right to change and interpret the rules of this event without prior notice. The organizer’s decisions on the event results are final and binding on the participants.

▎L&B 3.0 數位圖書館總庫簡介

L&B 3.0數位圖書館總庫,為一全方位的優質電子書知識庫,特邀集美國、新加坡、中國、香港、臺灣等專業知名出版社,收錄近10萬冊中、西文電子圖書,主題內容包羅萬象,為您提供來自權威名家學者合作編著之各類卓越經典著作,內容兼具專業性與學術研究價值,以多樣型態及主題服務多層次客戶族群;且支援各類載具線上閱讀服務,提供讀者突破時間空間限制的數位閱讀體驗。

特色1 ▶主題領域多元

特色2 ▶自學進修俱全

特色3 ▶直觀操作介面
只要在單位授權的網域範圍內連線,即可查詢和閱讀已購買之圖書資源內容,L&B 3.0友善直觀的使用介面拉近您與數位閱讀的距離。

✦使用指南: https://www.libraryandbook.net/product_manual.asp
✦資料庫連結: https://lb30.libraryandbook.net/

活動獎項 / Winner Prize
得獎公告日期 / Winner Announcement:2022年5月24日(May 24th 2022)

獎次 / Category 獎項 / Prize 名額 / Winners
首獎 / First Prize 港澳地區:Apple Store 電子禮物卡 HK$200
Hong Kong/Macau:Apple Store e-Gift Card HK$200
貳獎 / Second Prize 港澳地區:Trip.com電子禮物卡  HK$100
Hong Kong/Macau:Trip.com e-Gift Card HK$100