Bureau van Dijk 亞太智慧財產權解決方案總監 Head of Intellectual Property Solution,Bureau van Dijk, A Moody’s Analytics Company |
Yu Yuan Tan is Head of IP Solutions for Asia-Pacific at Bureau van Dijk – a Moody’s Analytics company. He manages the company’s business within the IP sector, as well as its industry-leading patents and company data solutions – Orbis Intellectual Property. Mr Tan has spent his career engaging with government officials and academics within the IP research and innovation space. He started his career in higher education solutions at Pearson, before venturing into the scientific research and IP fields at Clarivate Analytics. Mr Tan has a degree in economics from the National University of Singapore. | |
陳育淵現任Bureau van Dijk 亞太智慧財產權解決方案總監,帶領團隊推廣Orbis Intellectual Property 解決方案,並以一種從未有過的方式將全球專利資料與公司及企業集團聯繫起來,幫助大學研究做出更明智的決策。陳育淵曾任職於Pearson、Clarivate Analytics,管理亞洲高等教育解決方案,並負責IP創新與研究的解決領域,對如何提升現有的教學研究效率具有豐富經驗。 他參加了許多 IP 研討會,並與亞洲的多所機構研究人員及創新領域的教授展開合作。 2019年,他受邀出席 IPBC 深圳站和首爾站,並在即將到來的亞洲 IPBC 東京站進行演講。 |
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